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Irische Trinksprüche (irish blessings) zum St. Patrick's Day


Am 15.03.2015 findet sie wieder statt: die Münchner St. Patrick's Day Parade - zum 20. Mal  (©Fotp. Martin Schmitz)

FilmAm 15.03.2015 fand sie wieder statt: die Münchner St. Patrick's Day Parade - zum 20. Mal - Fotos & Video (mehr)

Blessing of the shamrock

©alle Fotos: Martin Schmitz

Sie stehen also da, die Pint Guinness in der Hand, und möchten in schönster Weise den Nachbarn zuprosten. Hier eine Auswahl irischer Trinksprüche, die ich im Netz gefunden habe (delphiforums.com)

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
May your neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And Heaven accept you.

May you have love that never ends,
lots of money, and lots of friends.
Health be yours, whatever you do,
and may God send many blessings to you!
May the roads rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.

If God sends you down a stony path,
may he give you strong shoes

May St. Patrick guard you wherever
you go and guide you in
whatever you do--and may his loving
protection be a blessing to you always.

Walls for the wind,
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks beside the fire -
Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire!

May you never find trouble
All crowdin’ and shovin’
But always good fortune-
All smilin’ and lovin’.

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.

May God be with you and bless you,
May you see your children's children,
May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live.
May you live to be a hundred years,
With one extra year to repent!

May there be a generation of children
On the children of your children.

He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses more;
He who loses faith, loses all.
May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light
May good luck pursue you each morning and night

May you live all the days of your life, and
May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past!

May your feet never sweat,
your neighbor give you ne're a treat.
When flowers bloom, I hope you'll not sneeze,
and may you always have someone to sqeeze!

Green are the hills of Ireland,
And green they will always stay.
Warm are the blessings wished for you,
And they'll always stay that way.

May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven
half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.
May the good saints protect you
And bless you today
And may troubles ignore you
Each step of the way

May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.

May good luck be your friend
In whatever you do
And may trouble be always
A stranger to you.

geeignet für einen Flirt an der Bar:

May God grant you many years to live,
For sure He must be knowing
The earth has angels all too few
And heaven is overflowing.

und der schönste Trinkspruch von allen:

May you be in heaven 15 minutes before St. Peter knows you have died.

Noch etwas (gefunden im dephiforums.com).
Ein Gedicht zum St. Patricks Day.

~~Wishes For A Happy St. Patrick’s Day~~

With a little luck from the Irish
And the rest from God abouve
I want to send these wishes
To you with all my love

May your days be filled with laughter
Gentle arms to hold you tight
May you feel a peace within you
When you go to bed at night

May you always know the feeling
Of sharing love so warm and true
May you always know how much it means
For me to have a friend like you

May your rainbows be many
And your storms may they be few
I send you hugs and kisses
With love from me to you

(((Happy St. Patricks Day All)))

Love always,
Written by Cheyenne
March 15, 2002

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- 25. St. Patrick´s Day München - Foodfestival & Programm auf den Bühnen am 11.03.+12.03.2023 (mehr)

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Iren in aller Welt feiern am 17. März den Namenstag ihres Nationalheiligen mit Paraden, Musik und Tanz. München feiert den "St. Patricks Day" mit Parade (©Foto:MartiN Schmitz)

Film- 12.03.2023: Münchner St. Patricks Day Parade. Iren in aller Welt feiern am 17. März den Namenstag ihres Nationalheiligen mit Paraden, Musik und Tanz. In München leben zahlreiche Iren, die mit ihren deutschen Freunden in vielfältigen Vereinen und Gruppen eine aktive "irische Szene" bilden. Und auch in München wird der St. Patrick's Day kräftig gefeiert mit einer St. Patricks Day Parade. Über 20.000 Teilnehmer wurden es am Ende wieder. Es gibt von uns anschliessend wieder eine umfangreiche Fotogalerie. Außerdem Infos und aus Fotoserien von den Vorjahren 2002 -2019 (mehr)
Fotos 25. St. Patricks Day Parade 2023, Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4 (©Fotos: Martin Schmitz)

Link zum jeweils aktuelle St. Patricks Day March in München (mehr)

Infos - Parade -
irische Trinksprüche (irish blessings) - St. Patricks Day Linkssammlung - Partys

Archiv / Archive
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2019 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2018 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2017 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2016 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2015 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2014 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2013 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2012 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2011 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2010 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2009 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2008 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2007 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2006 - Infos (mehr)
- Archiv / Rückblick St. Patricks Day 2005 - Infos (mehr)

Archiv / Rückblick auf den 9. St. Patricks Day Munich 2004:
- Fotogalerie 193 Fotos (mehr) / ©alle Fotos / all Pictures by Martin Schmitz

Archiv / Rückblick auf den 8. St. Patricks Day Parade Munich 2003
more pictures / weitere Fotos:
- Part / Teil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,..

Archiv / Rückblick auf den 7. Münchner St. Patricks Day 2002
- Pictures / Fotos 2002, Part / Teil 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

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